Biographies of Astronaut and Cosmonaut Candidates


Thomas A. "Tom"


Thomas Sullivan

Personal data

Birthplace:  Evergreen Park, Illinois
Marital status:  married
Children:  three
Selection date:  ??.??.1991 / ??.??.1994 / ??.??.1997
Position:  MSP
Status:  Ret. 31.03.1992 / 08.12.1994 / 05.06.1998

Additional information

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in 1977; worked for Amoco Chemicals Corp. for a total of nearly one year during the summers of his college years; Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of Illinois in 1981; joined E. I. DuPont, Inc. as a Research Chemist at the Experimental Station in Wilmington, Delaware; after more than three years he moved to a manufacturing site in La Porte, Texas with DuPont's Agricultural Chemicals Department; in the summer 1989 he joined the NASA; involved in the 90-day study on the Space Exploration Initiative commissioned by President Bush on the 20th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing; was involved in several studies concerning Lunar and Mars Exploration and Space Resources Utilization, both in technology development efforts as well as mission studies; Mission Scientist for the Space Shuttle missions to the MIR Space Station and for the first long-term stay of an astronaut on that Station; supported the Payload Planning and Resources Office of the International Space Station Program Office; became the Increment Scientist for the Human Life Sciences Research Program on ISS; at the time of selection employed by NASA Johnson Space Center; semi finalist in NASA group 14, 15 and 17 selections; was Exploration Program Scientist for the Space and Life Sciences Directorate, coordinating the flow of data and issues concerning humans in space for the exploration of Mars and other destinations. Now he is retired.


Last update on April 29, 2018.