SimoErnestUSA |
Birthdate: | 21.07.1956 |
Birthplace: | Okla / Cameroon |
Marital status: | married |
Children: | four |
Selection date: | ??.??.1994 / ??.??.1996 |
Position: | MSP |
Status: | Ret. 08.12.1994 / 01.05.1996 |
Baccalaureat Mathématiques, 1975;
Polytechnic School of Portsmouth in England; University of Essex in England
with speciality, Telecommunications by Satellite;
Ph.D. in Electric from the University of Birmingham in
England, 1983; worked then for different companies in the USA; semi finalist in
NASA group 15 and 16 selections; first Africa born
NASA candidate; currently employed by Comsearch; has
triplets (John, Michael and Christiane). |
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Last update on April 29, 2018. |