LundquistLaura L.USA |
Birthdate: | ??.02.1963 |
Birthplace: | Billings, Montana |
Marital status: | single |
Children: | none |
Selection date: | ??.??.1996 |
Position: | MSP (applied for) |
Status: | Ret. 01.05.1996 (as astronaut candidate) |
Bachelor of Science, Aerospace, Aeronautical
and Astronauticial Engineering, Boston University, 1985, Master of Science,
Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder; Master of Arts,
Jounalism, University of Montana, 2010; semi finalist in
NASA group 16 selection; was interviewed by
NASA in the week of January 26, 1996; currently
working as Environmental Reporter. |
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Last update on July 23, 2019. |